15th Scientific Day of the MRI-INT Centre : “Brain development from fetuses to adolescents in Human & Non-Human Primates"

The MRI-INT Center is organizing its annual scientific day on Friday, October 4 at Cerimed.

This year’s theme is :
'Developmental Neuroimaging from fetal to adolescent stages (MRI in human and nonhuman primate)'
It will feature talks by international, national, and local experts in the field.


Program : 

  • 9h : Welcome
  • 9h15 : Presentation of the MRI-INT Center & introduction

  • Morning session : Ontogeny of Non-human Primates (NHP)
    • 9h30 : Keynote : Pier Francesco Ferrari (ISC Marc Jeannerod, Lyon, France) : The Lasting Effects of Early Social Life on Rhesus Monkey Brain Structure and Activity
    • 10h30 : Coffee break & Posters session
    • Projects carried out at the MRI-INT Center
      • 11h : Yannick Becker (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig) : Primate brain development: The age of communication
      • 11h30 : Olivier Coulon & Guillaume Auzias (Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, Marseille) : Fetal brain MRI in humans and baboons to better understand normal and pathological brain maturation

  • 12h : Lunch break & Posters session

  • Afternoon session : Ontogeny of Human Primates
    • 14h : Keynote : Petra Hüppi (Geneva University Neurocenter, Switzerland) : Imaging the developing brain: neuroscience of the preterm infant
    • 15h : Olga Kepinska (University of Vienna, Austria) : Intergenerational transmission of the structure of the auditory cortex and reading skills
    • 15h30 : Florence Bouhali (Centre de Recherche en Psychologie et Neurosciences, Marseille) : Structural constraints and functional plasticity in the developing reading brain

  • 16h : Cocktail


Registration is free but mandatory.    

Please register for the 15th annual scientific day fMRI meeting by Friday 20th September 2024

To register, please choose "Registration" from the menu on the left.

If you already have a 'scienceconf' account, simply fill in your details and press Save.

If you don't have a 'scienceconf' account, please first create an account by clicking on the downward arrow next to Login (above right), fill in your details, then press Save.

We encourage all students and post-docs to present posters of their MRI studies, whether related to brain development or not.

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